Evangelist Donald Perkins is a Spirit-filled committed Christian. He reside in Southern California with his wife Marie, their two daughters, Tramaine and Bethany.
Evangelist Perkins has been involved in a ministerial capacity for twenty one years and is an ordained Minister of the Gospel of Christ.
Evangelist Perkins served as Assistant Pastor for Christ the Deliverer Assembly in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and also served with two nationally known TV ministries. He is a staff instructor on Bible Prophecy at the Immanuel Bible College in San Diego, CA. and a guest instructor on Bible Prophecy at Ecola Bible College in Cannon Beach, OR. Cathedral Bible College in Escondido, CA. and Heritage Christian College in El Cajon, CA.
In December of 1997, he caught the attention of U.S. News & World Report periodical and was quoted in their cover story entitled "Prophecy".
Evangelist Perkins is a contributing author, along with fifty-two other Bible Scholars, in the Dictionary of Premillennial Theology published by Kregel publications in conjunction with Tyndale Theological Seminary and Bible Institute.
Evangelist Perkins is also a member of the Pre-trib Research Study Group, founded by Dr. Tim LaHaye. The Pre-Trib Research Center is a "think tank" committed to the study, proclamation, teaching and defending of the Pretribulational Rapture and related end-time prophecy.
He can be seen on the Ministry's weekly TV program, "Your Future in Bible Prophecy". His research and studies into God's prophetic Word have taken Evangelist Perkins to the lands of the Bible to gather knowledge from the past and the present to share with God's people.
Evangelist Perkins is founder and president of According To Prophecy Ministries and publishes a newsletter bearing that name. His teachings of God's plan for mankind is vividly brought to life by prophecy charts and other visual aids including a multimedial presentation, Journey to Jerusalem. The Ministry offers numerous books, audio tapes, videos, audio CDs, and DVDs to aid in your understanding of Bible Prophecy.
Personal Background
(John) Randall Price was born in San Marcos on November 19, 1951 to Elmo Churchill and Maurine Grace Price. His grandfather began the first phone company in San Marcos and the family residence was an historic home (150 years old) in the center of town across from the First United Methodist Church. He and his wife Beverlee Shaw (married for 28 years) have five children: Elisabeth (age 25), Eleisha (age 23), Erin (age 20), Jonathan (age 18), and Emilee (age 15).
Academic Background
Dr. Price received his bachelor’s (B.A.) from Texas State University, his master's degree (Th.M.) from Dallas Theological Seminary in Old Testament and Semitic Languages, and his doctorate (Ph.D.) from the University of Texas at Austin in Middle Eastern Studies with a concentration in Hebrew and Archaeology. He has also done graduate work in biblical and archaeological studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Professional Background
Dr. Price has been an instructor at the University of Texas (Austin), an assistant professor at the International School of Theology (California), and is currently Research Professor of Biblical Studies and Archaeology, Oregon Theological Seminary (Salem, Oregon), adjunct professor in the Department of Archaeology and Biblical History at Trinity Southwest University (Albuquerque, New Mexico) and adjunct professor in doctoral studies at Baptist Bible Seminary (Clark Summit, Pennsylvania).
He has been involved in archaeological excavation at Tel-Yin'am, Jerusalem, and is currently director of excavations at the Qumran plateau, site of the Dead Sea Scroll community, and Assistant Director of the Hyrcania tunnel excavation, in Israel. He is a co- curator of the traveling museum exhibition: “From the Dead Sea Scrolls to the Forbidden Book” and is preparing to open a museum of Ancient Near Eastern Antiquities in San Marcos in the future.
Dr. Price is founder and President of World of the Bible Ministries, Inc. (since 1993), an organization specializing in research and communication of information about the ancient and modern world of the Bible. He lectures in conferences worldwide and appears on numerous talk shows and television and radio programs as an expert on the Middle East. He has led more than 70 tours to the lands of the Bible and is a certified Christian tour guide in Israel. His organization publishes a bi-monthly newsletter World of the Bible News & Views and maintains a website at: www.worldofthebible.com.
Professional Memberships
Dr. Price is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society, the Society for Biblical Literature, and The Near East Archaeological Society. He is also a member of the board of the Conservative Theological Society, the Pre-Trib Research Center, and Olive Tree Ministries.
Pastor Price has authored or co-authored a number of books on biblical and political subjects including: Ready to Rebuild: The Imminent Plan to Rebuild the Last Days Temple (Harvest House Publishers, 1992), The Search of Temple Treasures: The Lost Ark and the Last Days (Biblical Awareness Ministries, 1993),Why I Still Believe These Are the Last Days (Hearthstone Publishing, Ltd., 1993), Issues in Dispensationalism (Moody Press, 1994), Jerusalem in Prophecy: God’s Stage for the Final Drama (Harvest House, 1998), Dictionary of Premillennial Theology (Kregel Publishers, 1996), The Desecration and Restoration of the Temple as an Eschatological Motif in the Old Testament, Jewish Apocalyptic Literature and the New Testament (University Microfilms International, 1994), When the Trumpet Sounds (Harvest House, 1995), Forewarning: Approaching the Final Battle Between Heaven & Hell (Harvest House, 1998),Charts of Bible Prophecy (with H. Wayne House, Zondervan, 2003), Foreshadows of Wrath and Redemption (Harvest House, 1999), The Coming Last Days Temple (Harvest House 1999), Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Harvest House Publishers, 1996), The Stones Cry Out: What Archaeology Reveals about the Truth of the Bible (Harvest House, 1997), Unholy War: America, Israel and Radical Islam (Harvest House, 2001), Fast Facts on the Middle East Conflict (Harvest House 2003), The Battle for the Last Days Temple: Politics and Prophecy of the Temple Mount (Harvest House, 2004), and Searching for the Ark of the Covenant (Harvest House, 2004). He is also a contributor to the Biblical Handbook to the Book of Acts (Kregel, 1999), contributor to the New Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, and a contributor and editor of Willmington’s Bible Handbook (Tyndale, 1997), The Fundamentals for the Twenty-First Century (Kregel, 2000), The End-Times Controversy (Harvest House 2003), and The Popular Encyclopedia of Bible Prophecy (Harvest House, 2004). His forthcoming books include In Search of the Original Bible (Harvest House 2005), In Search of Noah’s Ark (Harvest House 2006), and A Commentary on the Book of Ezekiel (AMG Publishers 2006). In addition he has written and published a “study series” which consists of 6 monographs. His books have been translated into more than 10 languages. He also contributes regular columns and articles to a number of professional journals and magazines.
Dr,. Price has produced five video documentaries in the Bible lands based on several of his books: In Search of Temple Treasures, Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls, The Stones Cry Out., Jerusalem in Prophecy and The Coming last Days Temple. His first book Ready to Rebuild was also made into a video and has been translated into six languages. He has also appeared in numerous national television and video productions on the subject of the Bible and ancient and modern Israel including the two CBS prime -time specials (now syndicated series) Ancient Secrets of the Bible (1992) and Ancient Secrets of the Bible II (1993), the PAX network series Mysteries of the Unexplained, and Uncovering the Truth About Jesus (PAX network, November 1999), the FamilyNet television series Thief in the Night (May, December 1999), and the NBC/BBC (Union Pictures, Ltd) production of Mysteries of the Ancient World special, The Search for Jesus Continues (Inspiration network special). He has twice appeared on The John Ankerberg Show (1994, 1995), and co-hosted TBN’s “Praise the Lord” program with Hal Lindsey (1997). He was a regular radio teacher on the “Words of Life Broadcast,” and has frequently appeared on radio and television programs including, Trinity Broadcast: Praise the Lord” program, "Point of View" (USA Radio Network), Zola Levitt TV show, “Cope” (Southern Baptist Convention), CBN Radio, Moody Broadcasting “Prime Time,” Chicago’s TV Channel 38, The Total Living Network, "Action Sixties" (Florida TV 22), "Vox Pop," "Direct Line" "Messianic Perspectives," “The Jewish Voice,” “Celebration,” "Watchman on the Wall Broadcast" (Southwest Radio Church), “Israel My Glory” radio broadcast, “Janet Parshall’s America,”James Kennedy’s “Truths That Transform,”Gene Getz, Renewal, His Place (TV), and numerous television and radio programs in Canada, Australia, and Israel.
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